Updated: Nov 29, 2019

Small Plates (servings)
The idea of small plates or serving of each item gives you the chance to taste everything on the table. You will finish what is on your plate faster with an opportunity to taste more. Also, If you are that family member who likes to set a little sibling competition of who will get the crown for having the most return for the table this is perfect.
Eat what you least enjoy first
Why? Clearly, if you don’t enjoy eating something you won’t be going back for seconds. In a way, you are slowly filling your appetite. For example, I enjoy mac and cheese so I eat other things I am less interested in on the table first, so by the time I get to mac and cheese I wouldn’t have to indulge. This is a way to trick yourself into eating for your health first and your taste buds later.
Eat Vibrant things
Eat your vegetables they say! Really and truly that is and will always be one of the best advice a person who cares about your health can ever say. The quality of each pigmented fruits and vegetables might vary so familiarize yourself with those rich in fiber. Fibrous meals have endless benefits such as normalizing bowel movements, lowering cholesterol and achieving healthy weight just to name a few. Not only will eating naturally pigmented foods fill up your stomach but you also give your body vitamins. Those very vitamins will help you sprint to this Black Friday deals.
Water can curve your appetite
Every dietician or fitness junky says it all the time. Drink water before you eat because it takes up space. As silly as it may sound it is true! Allergic to drinking plain water? Try adding a healthy additive like lemon, pomegranate, or honey to enhance the water taste.