At some point in our lives, we embark on a journey to lose weight, gain lean muscle, or bulk. Whatever the situation is for you, at some point you’ll notice the scale or your measuring tape won’t budge in numbers. You wonder why because you are in the gym daily WORKING HARD. Well, the answer to your problem revolves around four factors: diet, lifestyle, rest and workouts.
Abs are made in the kitchen! No, our entire body is made in the kitchen. Let’s be real, ninety-five percent of us reflect our diet unless you were gifted with a fast metabolism. On average, in order to lose a pound, a person needs to eat a deficit of 3,500 calories. There are several ways to check how many calories you should have a day; however, I like using the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Check out one of my favorite BMR calculator. Knowing your BMR allows you to know how much calories your body will need pending on your fitness goals: lose, maintain, or bulk up. Do make it a priority to eat “healthy” caloric deficits. Remember, what and when you eat also plays a key role in whether the body burns or stores energy for later usage.
Are you sedentary? Surrounded by stress? If you are not quite sure the body will tell you. The way the human anatomy behaves and functions is interesting. Our bodies are meant to move so when we don’t our muscles are put to waste and the body is not burning enough calories. You eat the next day adding to what the body stored from the previous day. In order to initiate weight loss, one must MOVE, eat less than their supposed caloric intake.
It might be hard but try to remain stress-free! When we are stressed most look for comfort food. Oftentimes, those comfort foods are unhealthy. Sounds like you? Yeah, me too! Also, remaining stress-free keeps the hormone cortisol at bay. Cortisol, a stress hormone, will make you desire all the wants (sugar, burger, etc.) and not the needs (protein, fiber etc.) of the body.
This has to be one of my favorite things on a weight loss plan. It is easy to follow and doesn’t cause pain. How can anyone not follow through on this? Rest is vital to losing weight because when we work out our muscles are exhausted. When we rest the muscle fibers that were damaged while working out to rebuild and grow. In order for the muscles to continue to work and burn fat, it is important to have rest days and standard time for bed.
Are your workouts new fresh and innovative? Targeting the right muscle group? The body gets excited when introduced to new things. The muscles are confused therefore so they work extra hard trying to comprehend. Heard of “muscle memory” so refrain from doing the same thing time and time again. Trust me the body gets bored! Therefore, train and isolate individual muscles by incorporating cardio, strength, yoga, aerobics, and anaerobic. My little secret is working large muscle groups such as quads. Why? This muscle will continue to burn fat even after your workout. That is why every day is leg day!!